Final Evaluation

Beginning the summer project, I felt uninspired with the idea of going to a gallery/museum collection. However, coming up with a focus on entomology by visiting a butterfly house inspired me. Once linking the idea of butterfly wing structure and the structure of armour, after visiting the Armouries Museum, I became more enthusiastic. This enthusiasm for this project has carried on throughout the entirety of the project.

The concept of butterfly wing and armour structure was something I was completely unfamiliar with before this project, and therefore was originally challenging. Contextual research was integral throughout to develop and refine drawing and sampling. Compared to last year I believe that I have more focus on selecting key ideas, and developing them in interesting and refined ways. I want to continue this focus throughout future projects.

I am happy with my combined project idea for exploring the links and contrasts between the structures of butterfly wings and armour as I really found this subject choice engaging. It allowed a lot of scope for experimentation and development. This subject matter allowed for interesting work including layering, abstract and geometric shapes and patterns, and colours to all be explored in various ways throughout the project. I enjoyed this exploration, and believe my drawing and sampling worked well with it. I continued to develop through the use of energetic and interesting drawing and sampling,  and have thoroughly enjoyed and engaged with the idea.

My intention for this project was to create interactive textiles that incorporate play and exploration for children specifically. My target audience of children was kept in mind through bright colours and an intriguing tactile nature within my work. I kept focus on this through secondary research. In the future I want to carry out more primary research. For example, getting feedback from children on my sampling.

The importance of interactivity and exploration through my sculptural sampling was important in influencing my choice of materials. I have enjoyed following through natural progression of varying materials as the project went on, and enjoyed developing new techniques, such as laser cutting for the first time. I personally think this has allowed me to develop a risk-taking attitude towards my work, and I really believe I have grown in confidence during this project towards taking on challenges. I want to continue tackling challenges, and exploring new directions to take my work.

I am happy with the concept created through my final interactive textile outcomes. I believe it creates the desired effect of a sculptural feel, whilst encouraging an exploration of different structures through a hands on approach that allows learning through play. My incorporation of magnets helped allow a professional way to allow this high level of interactivity. In future projects I am eager to develop my exploration on educational interactive textiles, and also continue to focus on the target audience of children to influence my textile work, as I really have a passion for this.


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