First Tutorial Reflection

As this is the first tutorial of the academic year, I believe it will be very beneficial for me to reflect on the feedback and advice given on how to progress for the 'Intentions' project.

My tutor highlighted the work she believed most successful within my summer work. This included my marbling, refined collage and the free drawing sketchbook pages.

I also agreed that this was my most successful work and I enjoyed mixed media/collage techniques most. This is something I will focus on developing as the Intentions project continues, and as I hone in my work.

Regarding future techniques to test, me and my tutor discussed laser cutting, incorporating collage and stitch together, and using newly learnt techniques such as the quilting machine/digital embroidery.

Concluding the tutorial we agreed that pushing the experimental aspect of my work was important, as well as keeping focus on the developing journey of my project whilst relating back to archives and collections.


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